Steam Pro Mobile Detailing - Knoxville, TN

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The Superpowers of Steam

The common car wash methods and products are becoming obsolete with steam cleaning on the rise. When “car wash” comes to mind, most commonly, people think of a water hose, an abundance of soap, a grimy sponge and chemically enriched products. Call me crazy, but there’s gotta be a better way!

Steam alleviates tedious car detailing steps making for a quicker process and is far better for the overall cleanliness of your car, inside and out. In this blog, the focus will be on the benefits of steam for a vehicle’s interior.

Steam Sanitizes

Say goodbye and good riddance to germs, bacteria and all of the unhealthy particles that are dragged into your vehicle. Steam sanitizes and sterilizes all of the surfaces of your vehicle in a few quick blasts. Steam cleaning your vehicle is optimal for families with little ones, people with pets, or during cold and flu season to keep everyone, especially yourself, healthy, happy and sanitary.

Steam Deodorizes

Raise your hand if you have ever spilled something in your car, left your sweaty gym bag in your car, or accidentally left the windows open when it rained…(everyone raises hand). No shame, we’ve all been there. Luckily, steam will deodorize these awful smells and leave your car smelling fresh, or at least normal, once again.

Steam Cleans Hard to Reach Areas

How does one ever go about cleaning cupholders, that crack between the seat and center console, or the AC vents? Option 1: Risk breaking your fingers, Option 2: Ignore those areas forever. Once again, steam to the rescue. Steam will get rid of whatever caffeinated substance that caked onto those cupholders, blast out that french fry that fell between the console crack and disintegrate the dust and dirt build up that is sitting in your vents.

Can your everyday car wash or detail do all that? Not likely. Experience the superpowers of steam for yourself by booking online.


Steam Pro Mobile Detailing uses Fortador powered by Lamborghini.